Ethical standards

Code of Conduct

The Revista Chilena de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social adheres to the Code of Conduct and Good Practice Committee on Publication Ethics ( which provides, in summary:

Duties Editor

1. Consider for publication manuscripts submitted, basing the decision solely in the academic and scientific merit of the same, and compliance with editorial rules.

2. Check the originality of the works received, through the use of iThenticate system (

3. Do it directly or ask the author appropriate modifications to adapt the manuscript to the publishing rules.

4. If case of no meet the editorial rules or suspected conflict of interest or academic fraud, the editor should refuse publication of the manuscript.

5. Send manuscripts accepted for review by external evaluators, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality regarding third of the text.

6. Conduct its own initiative or at the request of third parties, appropriate measures to prevent or remedy instances of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplicate publication, or other types of academic fraud and conflict of interest. In case of conflict, recommended by COPE (Comitee on Publication Ethics) procedures will be followed.

7. Make clarifications, corrections, amendments or removal of items needed to solve the problems identified after the publication of an issue of the magazine. These will be reported on the website of the magazine.

8. Maintain constant communication with authors and external reviewers, clarifying the doubts arising in the process of review, evaluation and publication.

9. Receive and answer inquiries from third parties outside the publishing process.

Duties external evaluators (peers – reviewers)

1. Evaluators should make an objective review manuscripts submitted to analysis.

Evaluators may accept the revision of those texts for which they have sufficient competence, experience, and knowledge in order to make their analysis.

2. Evaluators must report potential conflicts of interest to the editor.

3. If not possess the knowledge or experience necessary to make the evaluation or if any conflicts of interest, should reject the revision of the manuscript.

4. Evaluators must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript during the review process. They may not publish any way the content of it, without consent of the editor or the author of the manuscript.

5. Evaluators should report within the time allocated by the editor of the comments on the manuscript, which must be founded, as well as the recommendation of publication.