
The Public Law Journal of the Universidad de Chile invites national and foreign authors to participate in the next issue of the Journal, corresponding to the second semester of 2024.

Articles must conform to the editorial guidelines, which can be found at: https://revistaderechopublico.uchile.cl/index.php/RDPU/about/submissions

The papers are subjected to a blind peer review process.


Relationship between the electoral system and the system of government in the context of the current social and constitutional debate


  • Víctor Manuel Avilés Hernández Universidad de Chile


At present there is an immediate institutional debate, related to the modifications to the electoral system, and a mediate one, typical of an eventual replacement of the Fundamental Charter. The foregoing occurs in an environment of high political expectations, detachment from institutions and weakness of associations. In this situation, we believe that not considering the effects of these changes in the system of government – about which there is no further debate – could put governability and, finally, representative democracy at risk.


Electoral system, Government system, Constitution, Governability, Representative democracy