
The Public Law Journal of the Universidad de Chile invites national and foreign authors to participate in the next issue of the Journal, corresponding to the second semester of 2024.

Articles must conform to the editorial guidelines, which can be found at: https://revistaderechopublico.uchile.cl/index.php/RDPU/about/submissions

The papers are subjected to a blind peer review process.


Regulatory Reform: Towards a supervisory body for public sector regulations in Chile


  • Benjamín Alemparte Prado Universidad de Chile


This paper reviews the main proposal of the OECD’s 2016 report on «Regulatory Policy in Chile», which suggests the creation of a supervisory agency for public sector regulations within the Ministry of the General Secretariat of the Presidency (SEGPRES). Taking into account the experience of the United States through the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) under the Office of Administration and Budget of the Presidency, it is argued that an essentially technical and long-term organization should be within the Ministry of Finance, specifically in the Budget Division (DIPRES), considering the knowledge that this service has in the cost-benefit analysis of programs and its role in the evaluation of the public sector Budget.


Regulatory Reform, cost-benefit analysis, supervisory agency