The objective of this paper is to revise the legal solution about the recognition of salary for periods not worked in cases of dismissal of public employees declared null and void. We use two specific objectives in the analysis of the jurisprudential antecedents of the Argentine Supreme Court: The first one is to review the antecedents of the case, to verify the consistency or number of the factual situations that originated this judicial doctrine. The second, submitting these fallacies to the level of current theoretical and normative foundations of administrative law, to see if you can continue preaching – without more- it validity. For that, we will situate the case of fallen wages in the general framework of the public sector, considering the cessation or suspension as possible illegitimate acts of the State, with the consequent activation of the regime of responsibility of public right, and in the context of the theory of Nullities of the act. Finally, we will expose the inconsistencies, errors and lack of support of the doctrine, and we will expose our conclusions and proposals, in the light of the constitutional, conventional and legal applicable normative framework, with the intention of opening the debate to new answers to the question raised.
administrative law - full repair - public workers - human rights - nullity of the administrative act
Goldfarb, M. . . (2023). Unlawful dismissal and unpaid wages.A critical analysis of the jurisprudence of the argentine supreme court of justice. Revista De Derecho Público, (98).